
Wynne Davis

I am a junior working on completing degrees in journalism and computer science at The University of Texas at Austin. 

Throughout my time in Austin, I've learned that I want to combine my two interests to become a modern day journalist who is capable of creating an online presence necessary for today's digital environment. 

After I graduate from UT I plan on using my programming skills and working with companies to further their online presence and increase their security systems. I have a wide variety of interests and aspire to work for a government agency in the long term. I would enjoy working with a security team, working with campaigning politicians as a speech writer, or following the campaign trail as a reporter. My friends say I don't know the meaning of free time and that's probably because I want to go to law school too. 

I've had the pleasure of working for The Daily Texan for three semesters now as a news reporter. I really enjoy knowing what is going on around me and getting to showcase the different events going on around campus and the Austin community. My coverage of the West, Texas Memorial Service is one of my favorite pieces because of the townspeople I got to speak to. You can check out my story here. I also wrote feature articles for the Texas Chapter of Her Campus.While on campus I've also had the opportunity to continue furthering my design skills for campus wide-campaigns and the different multimedia facets around the university. This summer I will continue my work with The Daily Texan while also working to create two websites for the Student Engineering Council and my sorority, Sigma Delta Tau. 

Just like any other college student, I enjoy my free time. Living in Austin definitely has its perks. When I'm not working on my next project you can find me kayaking on Town Lake, enjoying some of the wonderful food on South Congress, or just relaxing and taking pictures with my friends. 

I am always looking for new opportunities and experiences in both fields. You can reach me at