
Fundraising campaign celebrates mascots birthday

Engineering students celebrate with their Patron Saint every year for his birthday -- which falls on April Fools' Day. As a tradition of what started out as a prank and soon became a million dollar fundraising campaign, the Cockrell School of Engineering hands out free cake to all students who stop by. This year, students were given a chance to meet and speak with Alec, their saint while learning more about giving back to their school. The birthday bash was put on by the Friends of Alec a fundraising organization that focuses on raising funds for the school to continue funding engineering education.

During this project, I worked with my fellow classmates Morgan Yarnik and Kiera Hess. We had a good time venturing over to the engineering school. There were some issues with the color of the video mainly because we filmed the interviews in a lobby with windows where the light was behind the interviewees and that distorted the color. Overall, we all worked well together because we each brought a different journalistic aspect to the project.